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FOR THE WEEK OF: April 7-12, 2008
The names of the individual memes have been changed
Give Me Five:
Give me 5 favorite candies:
This may be the easiest meme I have ever done...lol:).
Peanut M&Ms, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Jolly Rancher Cinnamon Fire, Malted Milk Balls, and Nougut. I also make a mean homemade chocolate fudge~
Unconsious Mutterings:
I say...you think...
- Nutritious :: Green beans
- Graduate :: Move on
- Tonight! :: Sewing
- Located :: Where is my...
- Weapon :: Gun
- Jumper :: Suicide
- Collectibles :: Ladybugs!
- Dennis :: The Menace
- Hostile :: Take-over
- Vivid :: Imagination
Call me silly, crazy, wise, or neurotic...but I can not stand it when my computer files get out-of-control. Today I am tackle-ing some virtual home decluttering.
I forget to get a shot of the favorites folder...so this is what the recycle bin looked like after I tossed a lot of mess:

And this is my new and more efficient 'favorites folder':

Now...here is where you might just call me crazy: I feel good!
This week's theme/prompt is: EXPRESS. (Remember, you don't have to use the exact word. You can use ANY form of it.)
One of the definitions of express is: to set forth the opinions, feelings, etc., of (oneself), as in speaking, writing, or painting. I humbly suggest that they add the word blogging to their definition. I express myself in three ways.
Since I first learned how to do so writing became my favorite method of expressing myself. I find that there are often things burning and churning inside of my mind and
I am happy to report that I have also learned how to express myself verbally whether it be good, bad, or ugly in an appropriate and non-judgemental manner. This is a skill that I am proud of. It is very rare that a person can be offended or become defensive when I confront them. This is a valuble tool as it allows/forces the person to look at the issue at hand and not on my behavior which ultimately makes for better relationships. Words are amazing tools!
The final method of self-expression that I utilize is creating. If I don't create I am stifled. I have done many crafts over the years and lately I have been making quilt tops, jammie bottoms, and purses.
All-in-all, I feel/think/believe that expressing oneself is wonderful stuff!
Wordless Wednesday.

Click on image to see a larger view. And this post is not quite wordless. Her name is Serenity and she is my heart-adopted grand-daughter:).
My Thursday Thirteen brought to you by the letter:
1. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Ps. 37:4) This is one of my favorite promises in the Bible.
2. I have two priceless Daughters.
3. Two of my favorite flowers are Daffodils and Daisies.
4. I enjoy Doing Dishes cause it is a mindless activity.
5. My nephew, Daniel, came to spend the weekend and we had a laughing-good time.
6. I spend a rediculous amount of time at my Desk.
7. I tend to Doodle all over a piece of paper when I talk on the phone.
8. I have an interesting view of Death. The one that died is the lucky one. It's the rest of us who have it hard. We gotta Deal with the loss.
9. I got Drunk at my brother's reception and I had a blast. I am not a Drinker...lol.
10. I love the word Decadent. I just love the way it sounds:).
11. Devine Intervention has saved my life on many many occasions.
12. I used to make Decisions by Default...I have learned to make them purposefully.
13. It is Difficult to keep this blog family-friendly...lol.
Fridays Feast:
The Chef has taken the week off...and you know better than to think I am cooking!
Share A Site SaturdaY: I host this one so my post for this week is here.
SUNDAY: Memeless this week.
Thanks for the emailed response to my 5th Meme Monday post with Friendship Circles. I'm happy you enjoyed the way I played with your meme this week ;--)
I'm intrigued with the manner in which you've decided to approach Meme Monday and will watch with interest. I also appreciate the links to a variety of daily activities which seems like a wonderful resource for those of us who haven't heard of them or don't know where to go for the weekly topic. Thanks for sharing and have a terrific Tuesday!
Hugs and blessings,
Blogging has certainly become a popular way for many of us to express ourselves.
I used to keep a diary when I was young as it was the safest way to express myself. Later it became a "journal."
Like you, writing was the way I expressed myself best. Writing has always been therapeutic and an outlet for me too.
This is probably why I am addicted blogging like I am :-)
I wish I could learn the art of verbal expression like you have.
Hi. It was hard to find the comments with so many different memes in one... whew! Anyway, I feel that self expression is very important to all of us, and it sounds like you do it well. Journal writing is a very powerful tool.
Have a happy week.
Serenity is so cute! Happy WW!
Oh, I have to agree...the word decadent is delightful!
Happy TT!
Enjoyed reading your TT. Getting to know you better is so much fun.
Happy TT! Way to put it all together!
Thanks for playing along! I like how you use this to do a review of your memes. Great idea!
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