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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blog Search

If you are like me, you are a blog hopper. Now this is a label I am proud to bear. I do, however have a major gripe to get off. I love blogspot and the fact that I can customize my own free blog. However, this same priviledge allows others to delete the 'Next Blog' link on their own blogs and when they do my leisurely hop is over. GGGRRRRRRRR~ This is frustrating to me.

So in looking for a viable blog searching solution I found this link: Google Blog Search. Alas I am a happy blog hopper once again! You know...simple minds simple pleasures.

If you, too, are a blog hopper, feel free to take the following code. Just copy everything between ** and ** and then paste it wherever you want Hoppy to show up!

**<a href="" target="_blank"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="0" alt="Blog Hopper Logo"id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5166240418098157666" /></a>**

This code will give you the smaller version of the graphic which is 150 pixels square:). NOTE: If you put Hoppy in your blog add your URL to the Mr. Linky and leave me a comment.

Fellow Blog Hoppers:

Be hoppy,

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Khris said...

How cute is this little blog hopper. I have linked to you and him Phyl. Thanks so much for sharing. Do you do your own graphics? Hugs Khris

Quilterin said...

Hi Phyl!

What a lovely Hoppy. I love to link him on my site.

Thanks for sharing!

Debbie said...

I love little hoppy - I have added him to my site - what a great idea! thanks.. ^debbie^

Quilterin said...

Hi Phyl!
I`ve just forgotten to say that I have just added Hoppy to my site.
Lots of greetings from Austria

Whispering Pines said...

Hi Phyl, Cute! I love frogs and blog hopping! How perfect! I have linked him to my site. Thank you! Trish

Anonymous said...

Love the frog!!!!!!!!!
Have placed him on my site. Thanks

Treasa said...

Just added "Hoppy" to my blog. Thanks

Noel said...

Love "Hoppy" and your blog.
I have linked him on my blog as well!
Thanks for sharing.

Joyfulsister said...

Aloha.... From Hawaii.. I think Hoppy is adorable and have also added him to my blog.. I enjoyed my visit and will be back to read more... Thanks for sharing Joyful

Nan said...

I love this idea!! I am officially a "Happy Hopper" now, I have added the code to my blog and plan on posting a write up about it in the next few days! Thanks for sharing this with us, I bet it's going to take off before you know it and there will be Blog Hoppers all over the blogsphere!!

BarbC said...

What a cute little hopper... and now he has happily hopped over to my blog! Barb C. a.k.a. the Quilting Belle

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, Phyl. This surely shows my committment to get around to all the blogs via the links at the Ultimate Blog Party.

Unknown said...

Thank you Phyl.... as you progress with your blog, I am learning also! Thanks for sharing and I answered the poll and if you don't use "Ladybugs" as your line of purses, I certainly will....I just love that name!!!! lol,

calicodaisy said...

You know, I hit "next blog" at the top of my blog site, and I landed on an X-rated one! I'm afraid to do that anymore. Is there a way that won't happen? -- Michele

Bethel of Bethania said...

G'day Phyllis,
Thanks so much for the cute frog ... you are very clever ... OOroo ... Bethel said...

I Love Mr Hoppy...I am so glad I was ablt to put him on my site.

Candace said...

I'm kind of new to blogging, and am not sure exactly what is going on, but he is so cute, and when my husband was younger, we always told him he looked like a frog (me and my kids) so it just seemed like family.

Robin L said...

Thank you so much for doing this! I love to read other peoples blogs.

Tracey said...

I love to blog hop!! Thanks!

KTandEMYsmom said...

I love Blog Hopping, thanks for sharing. said...

I love frogs and Blogs
Thanks so much

Donna in Louisiana said...

BaBaBaBa-Blog Hopping (sung to the tune of the Bee Gee's Jive Talking). I love the blog hop also. You can stumble across the neatest sites.

Thanks for sharing the little frog with us....

Roxanne =b said...

thank you... I'm a fellow blog hopper too!!!!

JuJu Bee's said...

Hello Phyllis,

I am officially a BLOG HOPPER now. =)

Joy said...

I love little Hoppy! I'm going right now and add him to my site. Thank you so much. Happy blog hopping!

Lisa Cobler said...

This is such cool idea. I love to blog hop and I am glad I made to your lily pad.

Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

I love blogging and am trying to do more hopping. Great idea and I am happy to post your cute little frog.

Deb said...

Hi Phyl,
Nice to meet you. Being a new Blogger I am busy hopping everywhere.

Thanks for sharing.

Carol Doak said...

Just a darling little hopper.

quiltwhinny said...

Thanks for the link.

Kathy said...

Love your site and the Blog Hopper, I've already posted it on my blog, thanks for sharing. I enjoyed my visit to your site.

Anonymous said...

So glad to find other local quilters. Love your blog.
And about the blog hopper - cute, cute, cute
I have a frog weakness anyway.

TaraB said...

I'm such a blog hopper!

Alley said...

Thia ia just soo fun..

Linda said...

Thanks for the really great link AND Hoppy is just too cute. What a great addition to my site.

Guilitta said...


I have linkt you! Thank you very much for this opportinity.

Guilitta from Germany

Anonymous said...

I have just found your amazing site and I have been a blog hopper for several weeks now and I am addicted. Thank you for the logo and the great blog.

Anonymous said...

How cute!!!

Kristine said...

CUTE froggy! I'm such a blog hopper, so I will add this cute guy to my blog. Thanks!!

Alice said...

I love your frog! What a cute little guy. I spend half of my day (it seems like it some times) blog hopping, so this is perfect for me. I added it to my blog - it's on the right-hand side about 4th or 5th spot down. Thanks so much :).

kc_froglady said...

I love this frog :) I am a do it to often forget about other things and blog hopper person LOL! I added it to both blogs I regularly post to Stamping Stuff and Just Whatever.....

Jenny said...

Hoppy is so cute that I just added him to my blog also.

Cheri said...

I tried adding Hoppy to my blog with the html widget, but it didn't work! I've added html code before, but this one just isn't working for me. Can anyone help? The Paper Freak.

Tonniece said...

Hi Phyl

How fun, I was just blog hopping and by chance ended up here. I had a nice visit and love your Little Blog hopper, so I added him to my blog and linked you up too.

Tonniece in Ontario Canada

Becky said...

If this is not the cutest site.. I am computer illiterate, :)I would love to put Hoppy on my site, not able to do it. tried but just wont paste on my new blog :) 1 day old today.

Becky said...

Just love your blog, so fun. I would love to put Hoppy on my Blog, which is 1 day old :), I am new to this stuff, I tried to cut and paste but it would not take.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your little frog hopper!!! I too am ADDICTED to blog hopping... Thanks for sharing him!


Delta said...

Hey there, just stumbled across the blog and after reading the post I realised I am a blog hopper! Yay Im so addy the little froggy to my blog thanks!

Shopping Kharma said...

Hi, I stumbled across this blog and love what I see so far. Will add a special link on my Adult Cancer blog.
Yes, I said Adult and I do tackle important subjects that most cancer patients are very reluctant to talk about or face. So it's no holds barred here and honestly!)
All the best for a wonderful New Year!)

Cheri said...

Thanks for the VERY cute graphic. I tried using the code in your post, but the graphic wouldn't show up no matter what I tried. In the end, I just saved the image to my hard drive, then added the picture with a widget to my sidebar. I love the blog search at Google, too, so clicking Hoppy takes you to Google Blog Search! =D

Candy Graber said...

Thanks for the little hopper! He's great!

Nora said...

Hoppy is PERFECT! Thank you for letting us put him on our blogs!

Margie (aka ~Jacob's Mommy~) said...

Thank you for sharing, he is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much. He is a cutie for sure. I had trouble getting him to hop over but finally did.

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Oh Hoppy is adorable! I already see some Sistah's he's hopped to! How fun!


Cute frog! I added it to my site and look forward to peeking in on others blogs. I really need to update my blog and this is a reason to do it!

Anna Banana said...

Just got your blog hopper frog on my Blog!
Anna Banana

Anna Banana said...

Well - I refreshed my blog and it showed the code and not the picture on my blog - I made sure I had all the proper code and it just didn't work. Is there something you can suggest?
Thanks, Anna Banana

Channyne \ˈsha-nən\ said...

I love this little guy... I found him on another site and just had to track him down. I'll be watching your site - fun stuff! TFS

Crazy For Scrapping said...

Hoppy is sooooooo cute. TFS linked him to my site.

nicky said...

this frog is sooooooooo cute! thanks for sharing!

Heather Schlatter said...

I joined your blog hopper your graphic is so cute and I am really enjoying your blog!!!

Heather Schlatter

Kathleen said...

I love the blog HOPPER! I have added him to my page. Thanks!

Kim said...

I am a newbie to all this blogging stuff but what a great idea! Thank you! I added Hoppy to my blog but I'm not sure what you mean about the email address in my "profile"?
Thanks again!

Javablustamper said...

WOW!!! How cute!! What a GREAT idea!! I LOVE it!! Thanks for doing this!! LOVE your blog!! I will put Hoppy on my blog! Take care!!


Anonymous said...

I want to be a blog hopper but I cant get the code to work for some reason. Not sure what I am doing. wrong

Loves to Quilt said...

My cousin collects frogs, so I will happily add your "Hoppy" to my blog and my cousin will always know where this frog is!

Happy Quilting!

Mike Golch said...

I tried but the thing did not work right.

Connie said...

I'm a blog hopper, so that frog is now on my site! Thanks for sharing. And I am number 100!

crotnem said...

Looks like a maybe number 101 thanks for sharing, I'm gonna go put that froggy on my site too!

Shy said...

I spend way too much of my day hoppin blogs. Thanks for this awesome frog! Love it!!

loradoodle said...

Love the froggie! Added the link to my blog

Tennye said...

I love the froggy and i am blog hopper too, but when I tried to add him to my blog all I got was what you have in the blog. code

Debi said...

Code isn't working??

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the frog! I've linked to you, thanks.

Rhonda Miller said...

Great frog. I linked it on my blog. What a fun little guy.

zandra said...

Love your cute little frog! Put it on my side bar. Thanks!
Hugz, Z

Mrs Bs Blog said...

Oh, I love him. I have now linked him onto my sidebar at

Thanks so much for sharing!

Tricia said...

Just put your cute little frog...I am definately putting him on my side bar...thanks

Little Scraps of Heaven Designs said...

I thought he was so cute I just had to add him to my blog.

ScrappinCntryGrl said...

Added the icon and you....too cute..tfs!!

macpat said...

Love the blog hopper and I sure love to hop blog to blog looking for ideas especially in scrapbooking.

Debbie said...

love this little frog thanks for the code please come visit me debbie

Jeanne said...

I have added Hoppy to my site! Proud to be a blog hopper!

Tisha said...

You are the best! I am new to this blogging thing and your site is lovely! I have the blog hopper on my site. Do you know how people make those awesome blinkies and where I can get one. I just became a follower. TFS!


Minta's Creations said...

I Love Hoppy. Thanks so much for sharing him.

Tana said...

Love this blog frog..thanks a bunch!

VICTORIA said...

I just added my blog i like blog hopping love looking at everyones great ideas.

Lisa said...

I put the blog hopper on my site at He is so cute and I am in my first ever blog hop starting on Wednesday. Thanks so much!

Gill McCall said...

Hoppy is so cute - hes on my blog now too! TFS

scrappingmamma said...

He will defiantly be on my site thank you for sharing.

scrappingmamma said...

Thank-you for sharing, what a cuttie

Maureen Reiss said...

I love him!! He's too cute!!

Gina Karas said...

He's too cute! Thanks so much!

Lori Comeau said...

What a cute little frog. I'm adding the link. This is a great idea.

rubyslipperz1052 said...

O...kay...I am a FROG lover/collector! This frog is so CUTE!! I am excited to be "linked". Visitor to meee blog are wunnyfull!


Barbara B said...

This little blog hopper is so cute. I have linked him and you on my site.
Barbara B.

Kreative Krystal said...

I think this is a great idea!! I have linked you up on my right side bar on my blog. I also have a great blog link up party! If anybody gets a chance, feel free to check it out!

kreative.krystal at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love this little Blog Hopper Button! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
If you have time hop over and visit my frog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Hun I have left my link and fully support Lots of love Janice (AKA Scrapper's Delights)

MimiKat said...

I've added the little Hoppy, thanks for sharing.


cema1cema said...

I love blog hopping! Thanks for the blog hopper!! Christina :)

The Crafter's Retreat said...

Thank you for froggy, he's so cute... well I'm off to hop.

Nikki said...

Found your Froggy on another site and had to have him :) Thanks :) Love your blog :) New follower!


Vada said...

What a cute little guy. Just cheers up any page. thank you for sharing. I put the link on my blog.

Nicole said...

Thank you for Hoppy, I just added him to my blog!!!

Vee Cassidy said...

Happy will be coming to visit with me today Vee xx

Chris said...

Hoppy is coming to live with me, Hope you can visit me to see that I am taking care of him. Chris xx

Anonymous said...

i just add hoppy to my blog thank you so much and now a follower

Anonymous said...

I love checking out blogs for card and crafting ideas! I am a newbie to blogging. I have added your little frog.


Unknown said...

Thanks for Hoppy!!! I am in the process of revamping my blog to Blog Hops and Challenges only so this is a real big help. I also linked up to your blog.

Kathy Carter

Angela B. said...

I have been using the little hopper for quite some time I just love him! said...

This little blog hopper is going to be so happy at my blog, thank you for sharing it.

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