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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ten on Tuesday

10 Cities You Could Live In:

1. Williams, AZ, is 80 degrees year round with no humidity. It rains for 20 minutes a day for 2 months of the year-thats all. The desert is a few hours south-ish and you can see the snow-capped mountains in the distance. To top all of that off, the cherry on the sundae is: it's less than one hour from The Grand Canyon!

2. Williamsburg, VA, is a history buff's paradise. Restored to colonial days, this city is a delight. There are plantations to visit, quaint shops to peruse, and beautiful parks to explore. Also it is in close proximity of Virginia Beach, Jamestown, Gloucester, Smithfield, and my friend, Cathy!

3. St. Louis, Missouri... always thought it would be a great place to live. to quote my daughter "ummm try the arch, the river boats, and the best Chinese food west of the Mississippi until Cali!"

3. As a kid, I dreamed of living in Boston, Mass., probably cos my Aunt Jeanne lived there.

4. Tulsa, Oklahoma, was the friendliest spot found on our road trip from OH to Cali a few years back.

5 & 6. Baltimore or Annapolis, MD. I grew up in gorgeous Garrett County so since Annapolis was/is the state capitol and Baltimore the biggest city, I often thought of living in either place...the ole grass-is-always-greener syndrome:).

7 & 8. If I were rediculously rich and loved rubbing elbows, it would be fun to live in New York City or Los Angeles.

9. Lexington, KY, is possibly the most beautifully picturesque place in the United States. I would, of course, want a huge farm(very old) complete with wide-open pastures and the horses to roam them.

10. Any-city, Montana...just the thought of living there-right next to God's lil green acre soothes my soul.
Now, having done all this brain work, I gotta tell you...I am country gal at heart! In fact, although I do love where I live now(Cuyahoga Falls, OH), I would be quite content either in a lil cabin in a shaded glen or a house on the beach...any beach...~


Clickin Mama J said...

Tulsa is on my list too. Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I live close to Los Angeles but I'm not rich nor do I rub shoulders :)
this was a fun meme...